Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Instagram Simplified.

Instagram is a mobile app that lets users to take photos & videos then add filters for sharing with their social networks.  Availble on Android & iOS (with possible Blackberry & Windows Phone). Instagram
in popularity, with 90 million active users.  Both nonprofits and higher education are doing some interesting things to engage its followers.

Nonprofits use Instagram to share visual stories of the people they help; inspire individuals to support their cause; and highlight campaigns, announcements and volunteers.  They do so by uploading images of organization efforts, events, fundraisers and posters.  Click here to see who’s doing what.

The University of Florida(UF) asked Instagram followers what kinds of photos they would like to see .  Students replied exclusive-access images, such as a photos during a class lecture, an image inside a university television station, and a point-of-view photograph from the podium at the university commencement ceremonies.  Alumni replied images that spark nostalgia.  UF also encourages event participants to upload pictures and use the university hashtag.  Click here to learn how three ways higher education can use Instagram.

I hope I have tried to guide you to develop ideas for some educational use of your Instagram account.

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